ST Matthews

Prayer chain group

Those members of St Matthew’s who are part of our Prayer Chain have been involved in intercessory prayer for quite a few years now, and find it deeply rewarding, especially if we are told that someone has been helped, or  healed.

Those involved in praying in this way, do not know exactly who they may be praying for. That is because most people do not wish others to know their problems. Yet, the good thing is, even though we only know the person’s Christian name, we are aware that God knows who they are, and hears our prayers. So that is all that matters.

Very often, when someone tells one of us of a difficulty or the sickness of a loved one, we ask if the one sharing this problem would like the name of the one in need to be put on our Prayer Chain. When we do this at least 17 members of the Chain will make a point of praying for whoever may need the help of God our Father. At the same time they are aware that only first names are used so that there is a degree of privacy for the one who is being prayed for.

So please, if we can help in any way, through prayer, to alleviate any feelings of worry, or if someone you care about is sick, do ask for prayer for help. Doesn’t it say in the Scripture, “the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective”?  We are not depending on our own prayers but on the One who hears and answers.


Olive Taylor