ST Matthews

St. Matthews Sunday School

fd8b0f77d767f1f6640afba6916ff67c_XLIn this day and age, does Sunday School still work? Yes, we in St. Matthew’s would like to think so. It is a fact that the Word of God, when consistently taught in a transformational fashion to children will result in seeing young lives grow spiritually by example, and by what they hear and do in Sunday School.

Although we are small in numbers, we have a very enthusiastic group of children, ranging in age from 4 years to 11 years old. The Sunday School is led on a rota basis by some very faithful, Christian leaders. The children learn from a bible passage, followed by craft and activities relating to the bible story.

Our Sunday School happens the same time as the church service i.e. 11.30 am. on Sunday morning. On Sundays when the Holy Communion is celebrated (twice a month) the children come out from Sunday School towards the end of the service and are invited to join with the congregation by coming together to the altar rail where they receive a blessing and are each given a grape symbolising the wine which the communicants receive.

At our Family Friendly services which take place on the fourth Sunday in the month, the children take an active part in the church service, either by reading the gospel appointed for that day or saying prayers.

All the children in our Sunday School enjoy being part of the worship and this provides good background knowledge when they become of age and go forward for Confirmation.

At Christmas we have one of the highlights of the parish year – Nativity play which again all are very keen to take part in.

At the conclusion of the Sunday School term, usually the month of May, the children and leaders enjoy an outing of their choice together, and this rounds off the Sunday School year when it closes during the summer months.

If you are interested in sending your children along to Sunday School, we would be very glad to welcome them at any time. You can be assured that they would be in a safe environment as the Church of Ireland works under ‘Safe-guarding Trust’ which is supervised by the Rector and two members of the Select Vestry.

Sunday School is an effective tool to reach out to children teaching them the Gospel of Christ and it works when prayerfully planned and enjoyed by both leaders and children.