ST Matthews


Baptisms in St Matthew’s


What is baptism?

In baptism parents are thanking God for his gift of life and are making the decision to start your child on the journey of faith, and asking for the Church’s support.

This service does not make your child ’a Christian’.  Rather it is you as parent, and those you ask to help you as God-parents, who are promising God you will raise your child in such a way as they will be able to make that decision for themselves when they are older.


How do you organise a baptism in ST MATTHEW’S?

 If you would like your child to be baptised in our parish Please come along to church!

Sunday morning worship is at 11.30am

Our mid-week service is on Tuesday at 10am


You MUST attend at least SIX services before the baptism.   This gives you the opportunity to get to know us, and we you.

There are plenty of children and babies in church each week and you are welcome to sit anywhere.

Services can be a bit confusing until you get used to them so if you would like someone who comes to church regularly to sit with you, please just ask the wardens who greet you at the door to arrange this.

We also aim to have all our worship on power-point each week to make following the service as comfortable for you as possible.


Baptisms normally happen on the FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH at 12.30pm.

However, if we have too many baptisms for one service this may change.


YOU NEED TO CONFIRM A DATE WITH THE RECTOR/ CHURCH WARDENS  before you book any reception you might be planning.


YOU MUST COMPLETE AN APPLICATION FORM GIVEN TO YOU IN CHURCH  before your baptism request can be processed.


The Rector will meet you personally in your home about 3 weeks before the date of the baptism, to prepare you for what will happen. However, this may need to be postponed if you have not been able to attend church.


Please choose no more than 4 God-parents, and think carefully about who you are asking to make the promises that need to be taken before God.